Saturday, May 16


These pictures were taken yesterday.
Me and Noah (my youngest brother)
Me and one of our cats


Emily said...

Your little brother looks really cute!

Unknown said...

I like the pictures! =) Your little brother is sooo cute!
Oooh, and I *love* the way you did your hair!! =) I wish mine was long enough to do things like that!


Erika said...

That's a big cat!

Rachel said...

Emily: Yep, he's about one and a half!

Madison: Thanks! Well my hair isn't
very long, me and my sister got our hair cut last year for Locks of Love. Have you heard of them before? Well, it's where you have to at least donate 10 inches of your hair and you can send it in to Locks of Love and they are an organization or something that helps kids who had to go through chemo therapy and lost their hair. So if you ever want to try it, you could probably look them up online. Or maybe you can even find a hair salon or some kind of hair cutting place that will cut your hair for free if you're doing it for Locks of Love, thats what me and my sister did, and they even sent in our hair for us! Well thanks for commenting! Rachel :)

Rachel said...

Erika: The cat on my profile picture and the cat that i'm holding in that picture, they are brother and sister! The white one is mine and her name is Crystal, and the black and white one, her brother, is Rafa.

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